Leadership in hostile environments




by Kühl Consultants

proudly present

Leadership in




“We want you to return home in peace,

not in pieces!”

Guided by this motto, we have been developing and executing security trainings for many years for many types of professionals and diverse target groups. All around Europe, such trainings focusing on communication, leadership, crisis management, decision-making, resilience, behavioural analysis etc. can be found and, no doubt, they generally prepare well enough. However, when confronted with reality of specific climate areas the participants commonly encounter various overwhelming circumstances that simply cannot be taught in such workshops based in northern Europe. 

To decrease the threats arising through such factors, a Leadership Training in hostile environment has been established in the south of Spain. The environmental factors are very similar to those found in deployment regions such as parts of Africa, Central Asia or the Middle East. Therefore, scenarios can be experienced as realistically as possible. Those setups are designed to fit the needs of any professional working in environments facing risks, pressure and / or all kind of challenges etc. all over the world.

Malcaminos 4x4

While the climatic conditions are one of the unique features of the course, it is also the challenge to the participants to take up leadership responsibilities in dilemma situations to solve a problem.


Another great advantage this facility offers is the proximity to European headquarters as well as to most potential deployment areas.  The benefits of the Schengen area are used and commuting as well as bureaucracy kept as low as possible.

The modules are tailored specifically to the client’s needs; however, the fundament stays the same. 

On average, the course takes five days, each one will be designed as real-life scenarios giving a prompt start into the deployment preparation. 


The focus of this program lies not only on authenticity, but also on planning and management in prospect regions.

The curriculum is taught by operators with years-long experience in the private and public security sector. Additionally, it is accompanied by trainers and role players formerly deployed in crisis regions. 

The qualifications of the course instructors reach from Close Protection over Close Combat to Shooting Instructor, University Lecturers, Trainers, former Police Officers, or Ex-Military. Moreover, all staff members offer cultural knowledge of the regions of interests, as well as local language skills. 


This facilitates not only a program of physical reality but also enables to create the social environment to adapt to. The training is primarily behavioural and communication training, not a boot camp or survival course.

With the ultimate goal to reduce stress and threats when working in foreign countries, this Leadership course Spain is perfect to prepare all employees (i.e. development advisors, engineers, journalists, teachers, civilian personnel of enterprises, missions, foundations, authorities and so on.)

Its worth also for seconded or contracted personnel of international acting ICRC, OCHA, WFP,-  HCR-, UN-, UNDP-, EU- OSCE- or any other long lasting representing presence of any given organisation in a foreign country.



- Participant shows remarkable increasement of level       of awareness in potential threatful situations,

- Participants are capable to take leadership decisions    in hostile environments,

- Participants have understood the importance of the       level of planning and preparation of missions in the       field,

- Participants are best prepared for their designed

   area of deployment,


Trainings are planned in general in April/May and/or November/December, when weather conditions are acceptable but still nice.

The course is prepared and managed by KC.


Participants arriving through the airport of Almeria will be shuttled to their respective hotel/hostal. The course starts the next morning.


In this 5-days course participants will be accommodated in a hotel/hostal near to the training area, living in single-bed rooms (if applicable). Breakfast is booked, catering on the training sites for the breaks will be prepared.


Non-scenario related content is taught in a seminar-style atmosphere, other modules are conducted directly in the field. Here, the course participants can benefit from hundreds of square kilometres of the desert for full scale scenario trainings.


All activities follow the principle of “Preparation – Execution – Debriefing”. If a participant feels overwhelmed by the challenge, he or she has the right and the obligation to step out of a scenario. The standard level of all scenarios is low to medium. Upon clients request the level can be adopted as necessary.


Apart from the trainers, who will be present during the whole period, there can be role players for each out- or indoor scenario. Additionally, the trainers will operate as observers and monitoring all scenarios and, if deemed necessary, to interfere in any kind of unusual mental reaction of a participant. To intensify the level of excitement and eagerness of the participants they, from time to time, will find themselves provided with a role in a scenario. This change of paradigm and “learning-by doing”  sharpens the view to a threatful situation like nothing else.


At the end of the training each participant receives an individual debriefing in a 4-eyes-session with one of the trainers, as well as a certificate of successful participation, including the First-Aid certificate, which were part of the course. 


Upon request by the client KCUG will also conduct a full evaluation for participants to grade the level of fitness and suitability necessary to cope with the special requirements of the planned future deployment area.


Modules at a glance

Situational Awareness:          The main core of the whole of the training,                                                                     repeated exercises

Coopers Colour Code:            The tool to learn more about action on direct                                                                 threats

Risk Equation + Matrix:          How to assess risks, potential threats and                                                                       impacts, value at risk

Pre-deployment:                     Preparation opportunities ahead of                                                                                  deployment

PSC/PSD*:                                 Operations in cooperation with Close                                                                                Protection Units

First Aid:                                    Practical Emergency First Aid in the field / Triage


Communications:                     Theoretical and practical use of radio                                                                                communication

Self-Protection:                         Pros and Cons

Security Management*:           Security management team (SMT) activities                                                                     in live scenarios 

Shooting / Ammunition:           Impact level of several sorts of ammunition 

Grab Bag:                                   Content of a deployment area related                                                                               adapted run-bag

Checkpoints:                             Legal, illegal, day and night, mobile and                                                                            massive

Cautions under fire:                 Cross decking, Shelter, Concealment,                                                                                Protection, Escaping from a vehicle, a place

Amok/Armed Intruder:            Run / Hide / Fight

Mine Awareness*:                    Basics of anti-personnel and anti-tank mines,                                                                  booby traps

Attacks:                                      Blast / IED / Complex / Doubles and Triples

Car Jack:                                    Behaviour under direct threat / “Nairobbery”


Kidnapping / Hostage:             Phases of Kidnapping / Hostage taking

Natural Events:                         Landslides / Flooding / Earthquakes /                                                                                Avalanches etc.

Evacuation:                                Hibernation / Relocation Phases / Alarm                                                                           systems / Preparation

Sexual Harassment*:                Definition / Situations / Behaviour

Interrogations*:                         Behaviour under stress

Map Reading*:                           Orientation in unknown territories / compass                                                                 work

Survival*:                                    Basics / Overnight in the desert /                                                                                       Precautions / …

Overland trips:                          Preparations for Vehicles / Routes /                                                                                  Communications / Off-Road Driving and Convoy*

General Security:                      Urban survival skills: Taxi stand, ATM, pick                                                                       pocketing, mob, crowd, demonstration,                                                                           Releasing seat belts,

Fire Fighting*:                             Basics introduction and practical exercises

Stress Management*:                Coping with extreme situations and trauma,



Those modules marked with an asterisk (*) can be booked additionally.

Our Team

Michael Kühl

Course Director/


Jennifer Keay

International Trainer/

Trauma & Stress Expert

Janine Marquardt

Extreme First Aid Trainer/

Security Trainer

Gabriel Goncalves-Pereira

Extreme First Aid Trainer/

Security Trainer

Standard group size: 15 Participants

 Interested to get more information?

Please, contact us via email

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