What we do

Training courses
for civil forces for
short- and long-term 

In a seminar environment, participants are introduced to the special features of foreign countries by using a variety of modularly structured training units. The participants learn through many practical exercises and paradigm shifts, 
to recognize dangers and to develop options for action in order to be able to deal better with threats in the future.

Depending on the client and context, content is adapted, expanded or newly created.

Training Courses

Situational Awareness

Whether it is the way home at night, the train ride or the workplace, harassment and assault are unfortunately everyday life for queer and trans people, women and other groups of people.
To counter this social phenomenon, many providers mainly organise self-defence courses. Although these of course do no harm, we follow a slightly different philosophy due to our many years of experience and offer new helpful food for thought.

We offer a well-founded and completely practice-oriented modular prevention seminar of 1½ days with space for 10-15 participants. 
It does not focus on self-defence, but on perception skills. Being able to recognise the risk of potential threats at an early stage as well as knowing about legal basics and criminal offences is essential for individual behaviour adapted to a situation.
In a safe environment, the experience should be made that the protection of one's own person begins much earlier than generally assumed. 

Crisis Management

Together with you
we develop strategies, 
to make sure that everything in your company is running smoothly 
and as it's supposed to go.

We create internal structures 
for early 
threat detection 
and risks, which can lead to crises
set up safe guards 
and build 
Security Management Teams.

Depending on the stage of the build-up process we stage practice situations 
to check the function of the team, necessary changes will be integrated
and then tested again.

Until it works.


The area of coaching is currently still under construction.

However, we offer meditations for returnees from long-term assignments who face various difficulties in their professional environment. 

We do this exclusively in close cooperation with the employer.

We also offer seminars in the preparatory phases of a foreign assignment that deal with the specific work situation. This is not only about intercultural competence, but also about multinational communication, which means, among other things, the ability to integrate sensitively into a foreign working environment or to cope with a special work situation. 

Here too, the better prepared, the fewer difficulties

Risk Assessments

You want to know what threats and risks your company or your family is exposed to?

You are interested in which factors (positive and negative) 
an expansion of your company 
(also abroad) 
can influence the outcome?

You want to find out whether and 
how you can minimize risks that 
have already been identified?

Drop us a line!

Depending on your needs and wishes, we develop and implement realistic concepts
for your protection and/or 
your family's, 
Friends, colleagues 
and so on

The scope of such protection ranges from temporary civil reconnaissance measures in the background to continuous open escort by several persons, of course 
also abroad. 
or combinations thereof.

Risk countries on request 

Are you interested in our services? We are here for you!

To be able to offer you the perfect solution, we need precise information about your requirements. Tell us what you are looking for and you will receive the best possible support.
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